Attention Suppliers: The DEF Building Portal will be permanently turned off and out of support as of 31st March 2025.
Please contact DEF Support with any queries.
  • Forgotten Password
For Local Authorities based in Scotland, a purpose built application wizard is available. Please email for further information.

Please enter your user name and password below to login to the Building Portal. To do this, you need to be a register user - if you have not already completed this step, click here Logging in allows us to provide you with personalised Portal pages and allows you to return to any work at a later date. For example, you can create a Building control application, save it and return to complete it at a later date.

Please note: After some time of inactivity, the system will log you off automatically and ask you to log in again.


If you would like to have a look at the Building Portal without registering, you can use the demonstration login account. User name : "demo", password : "demo".

Please note that the demonstration data is reset every night. If you would like to save your own applications we recommend you register here.

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